June 1-14, 2009 - Cruising Log for S/V Freedom - a Gemini 105 - Jim and Deb Faughn
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June 7 - Last weekend we made a quick trip to St. Louis. We stayed at my cousin Julie's house and then on Sunday we had a great reunion with my other cousin Tom and Aunt Sandy. This was all hosted by a wonderful friend Kitty at the top of her condo. From the pictures below you can tell we had both a beautiful day and an absolutely beautiful view of the city of St. Louis. In the picture to the lower right you can see that they have taken up Highway 40 in the rebuilding process. All of the trees that you see make up Forest Park which is one of if not the "jewel" of St. Louis. I know when we lived in the city it was one of my favorite places to go especially to roller blade around the six mile path which runs around the park. Of course there is also the wonderful zoo, museums, and the rebuilt golf courses. |
The picture to the left shows the rest of the park and the open green spaces make up the golf course. They have 3, 9 hole courses which can be combined into several 18's. Below you can see a bird of prey riding the air currents and of course a picture of downtown St. Louis with the arch, federal court house and what you can't see is the new stadium. Overall, St. Louis is a nice place to live if you like city living. Of course I'm particularly fond of the central west end which is where we lived for many years. |
Grilled Alaskan Sockeye Salmon along with some great veggies too. | |
It was a wonderful afternoon on the roof with wonderful people and of course that wonderful view. | |
Today, Saturday, I start my Captain's course. I think I'm too old for this truthfully! I was never good at memorization but I'm going to give it my best shot. If all goes well, I will end up passing the tests for the "6-pack" licence officially known as the OPUV, my health exam, drug test, Masters licence, and the Towing Endorsement. This should all be completed by the end of the month except for the paperwork. I'm not promising anything with regards to updates until the first 10 day course is over with. I should have some pretty good material when it is finished to pass on to you. |
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