May 1, 2009 - Cruising Log for S/V Freedom - a Gemini 105 - Jim and Deb Faughn
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Mar 3 - Since I've been back, I've been busy catching up. There has been interest in sailboats at our office while I was gone and my manager listed one and I'm in the process of finishing up another listing. On top of the new listings, there are people looking at sailboats too. Afterall, why wouldn't someone want a sailboat? I can't think of a reason unless they are really a power boater at heart and don't enjoy the quite harnessing of "green energy" so they can have a wonderful time on the water while saving the planet at the same time. By the way, I had a really cool phone call on Friday. The mother of one of the people on a Gemini going across the Pacific called me to ask my advice on going more to the wind. I found out that on a gemini that is sailing from Hawaii to Tonga was having to go directly to the wind and weren't doing too well. It ended up that too much time had passed and the wind was shifting anyway so I wasn't much help. Too bad because I explained how to use a snatch block from the base of the mast so they can get the jib in closer and thus making a difference on their pointing ability. Not much but it would be another 10-15 degrees which is actually a ton when you consider going to windward. By the way, I also figured out that if you can't go to the mast, you can also go to the block on the opposite side of the boat with a line and accomplish the same thing. Now, why is Deb in a hat? She hates hats! |
On Saturday, as if you didn't know it, they ran the Kentucky Derby. At Green Turtle Bay the Commonwealth Yacht Club always has a Derby Party. Afterall, we are in Kentucky and it is the Kentucky Derby. So, Deb and I went up and there was definitely a party going on. Everyone had a great time as you can se to the left and bottom. Of course when the race started, all eyes are glued to the multiple T. V.'s and when the 50 to 1 shot one it just made it a real race and a real party. I'm really looking forward to the next month. I hope to list at least another five boats because with a larger selection of boats, we believe there will be even more interest from people who are looking for boats. Green Turtle Bay should be a must stop for those truly interested in buying or selling a sailboat. I've thought over what I wanted to do to continue my website. In addition to documenting the fun we have, I also think I will discuss some of the uniqueness of the sailboats as I learn more about all of them. Enjoy your week. |
May 4 - So here we are in Grand Rivers and it has been RAINING. Not just raining but Raining! Of course the rain has been all over the area north of the continental divide. So it has had it's impact. Yes, the water is rising. First off, you have to understand the normal summer water level at Kentucky Lake is 359 feet above sea level. The pictures below were taken on Sunday at about 4 p.m. As you can see, we are getting close to the water coming into the parking lot coming to the marina. On the right, you can actually see a painted marker that shows the water was at 361.7 feet. Then you look to the pictures below these two and you see the pictures I took today from about the same places. The water is still rising and it is at about 362.4 or so. Forecasts are that the water will still be rising so stay tuned for more pictures. I have to get a couple of the water at the dam because I hear it is really boiling on the tailwater side. | |
May 7 - The waters are down about a foot from their highest. The forecast for the highest level was wrong so no water got onto the parking under the yacht club nor did it cover the parking lot over by Pier 1. I didn't even get to the bearings of a couple of trailers that were left over there. So that is the flood water update. Yesterday, I drove to Kenlake to look at a Bristol we have listed. One of the most interesting technical parts of this job is going over every boat we list and learning the uniquenesses of each boats. I find I am able to much better answer peoples questions about the boats when they call for information. I also enjoy this process because it allows me to get to know the owners much better and in every case, they are wonderful people who's goals have changed. However, they still love their boats and memories while shifting to their new goal. Unfortunately, sometimes the reason for selling is illness. It just makes me want to work even harder so the owners are well represented. I've also been having fun talking to people who are thinking about buying a boat. The people I really enjoy are the ones who know what they want to accomplish with a boat and then we get to see if I have a boat that will match their desires. We just got another boat listed and on-line yesterday which will be another great value for someone wanting to get started in sailing. I'm hoping we will have another boat on-line by first of next week as I finish the listing process with it. We are beginning to get good variety of boats to choose from and again, I'm hoping to expand the number of boats we have for sale so we are a destination site for people looking to buy a sailboat. All we really need is for the rain to quit, weather to improve, and life will be great. |
May 11 - We were thinking that we were going to see the water go down a bit. However, more rain and up it came. Above the highest water was 362.5' and below, you can see that the water came on up to 363' and then just below 364. Yesterday, the water did get slightly above 364'. As you can see, the walkway we normally use is covered with water so we are walking around to another ramp to get off of the boat. | |
Yesterday, we took a walk in the morning and had the afternoon off unless someone called and wanted to see a sailboat. I feel like I'm almost on American Idol asking for the phone calls. Perhaps that would be a good thing, Sailboat Sales - call to keep Jim going. Ok, maybe it isn't the same thing. We walked out to the beach and found the water over the road. Then we went back to the boat and Bryce came by to go fishing. We put together the dinghy and all three of us were fishing in the bay. Deb caught a white bass and Bryce caught a 12 inch largemouth bass. All in all, it was a good day. |
May 14 - My friend Paul has been busy on his boat! If you've been watching his progress, you can now check out the complete sequence he used for getting the boat off of the floor and onto it's trailer. I'm betting Paul is only weeks away from the first launching if he isn't held back because of all the rain we continue to experience. You can check out the entire building of his Redwing 23 at Paul's page. |
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