Cruising Log for S/V Freedom - a Gemini 105 - Jim and Deb Faughn
Actually, this is a log for Garry and Shirline's trip to Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala. Great Friends and Adventurers.
Thanks, Garry and Shirlene for everything you've done for us. Not everyone can have as much fun as you do. - Jim and Deb Faughn
The Log of Zipadedoda - November 11, 2007 to December 2008
For more details about Zipadedoda, click here.
11, 2007 - We left Key West Thursday morning at 7:00 am. We waited
a week for the wind to calm down, which it never did so we went anyway.
Wind north 25 mph the whole trip. Kind of like riding a canoe down a fast
river. We averaged 8 mph with 9 mph seen allot. (that is fast for a sailboat).
If the wind doesn't change by February, don't know how we will get home.
Worry about that in February. We went straight across the gulf stream
to 5 miles off of Cuba. There we hit a current going the same way we were
so we stayed 5 miles off Cuba and followed the coast to Mexico. |
18, 2007 - We are in Belize. Spent the last several days sailing
by Mexico. The shore of Mexico looks similar to Myrtle Beach. long sandy
beaches, but no place to anchor. We had a good time at Isla Mujures. We
then went to Cozumel. We could not get to the marina so we anchored off
the beach. it was very windy and rolly, so we left the next day early.
We are now in Belize and this is beautiful. They have an offshore barrier
reef, and we are anchored behind it in front of a cool little town called
San Pedro. They speak English here. We went snorkeling today and the water
was bath warm. The temp here is around 95 degrees. Low 82 degrees. Feels
like August in SC. All the trees are coconut and the water is crystal
clear. We plan on going slow from here to see all the reef and islands.
We will have pictures in a few days. |
Nov 24, 2007
- Time for another update. We spent the last week or so crusing the coast of Belize. We are inside a barrier reef. The water is 85 degrees and Its about 90 during the day and 80 at night. Doing lots of snorkeling. The shoreline and most of the islands are covered in coconuts. Very pretty. A couple of days ago we were stopped on the mainland getting coconuts and bananas and we were walking on the beach and Garry turned around and a crocodile was swimming about 20 feet out in the ocean and following us. We have read in our cruising guide book that this area is one of the few places that has crocodiles. They look a lot different than an alligator. they have pointy snout with a bump on their nose. This one was 8 foot long. Needless to say we did not stick around. We have been to several nice islands that have small towns on them. The people have been very friendly. We are starting to get pretty good at Spanish. The prices are not as good as we had hoped. Some things are on even with the USA. We set sail tomorrow for Guatemala. Will write more when we get there. Finally was able to send some pictures. Email access is hard to come by here. Garry and Shirlene |
were offshore snorkeling and missed Thanksgiving. Actually we did not even
know what day it was. You really need to get here. This place is beautiful.
It cannot compare to the Bahamas. And the people are so friendly. Lots of
cruisers here. Also lots of backpackers. The islands that have towns are
right out of a jimmy buffet song. This is a very safe place. We have not
had any problems at all. Going from Isla Murjures Mexico to Belize was a
bitch. Do not go to Cozumel. It is not boater friendly. The water here in
Belize never gets over 12 foot deep inside the reef. Checking in to Mexico
was a little aggravating. We had to go by ferry to Cancun to pay at a certain
bank. Which really was not a problem, but it could have been easier. Cancun
also has a Walmart, Sams Club and Home Depot. Also Office Max and Office
Depot. But no English laptops at all. The ferry was $3 one way and took
about 30 minutes. Kind of fun. We spent 2 days getting to Belize from Isla
Murjures. You have to check out of one country before checking in to another.
When we arrived in Belize after checking out of Mexico they were having
a holiday so we were told it would be 4 or 5 days before we could check
in. So you know me, I said hell with that and we did not check in at all.
Nobody seems to care. Tomorrow we check in to Guatemala. We have to check
in there as you go up a river that has a guard watching the boats coming
and going. The story about the crocodile is very true. It scared the shit
out of me. And Shirlene ran for the boat. I do not blame the crocodile.
Before we saw the crocodile we were walking on the beach and there was a
little fresh water lake on the right and as we walked by I said look something
has been dragging across the beach to the lake. I thought maybe some of
these indians had been dragging their canoes across. Wrong. We now know
what was dragging. CROCADILE. They do not go out to the outer islands along
the reef so we felt safe snorkeling there. It is still hot here. Never gets
below 80 at night. We still run fans. Boat is working great. Filled up in
Key West and will not need to fill up again until we get to Guatemala. Of
course we had six 5 gallon jerry jugs also. That is about all for now. Will
write more later. hope everybody is ok. Garry and Shirlene |
Hey from Guatemala.
This place is beautiful. We checked in at Livingston which is a town at the mouth of the Rio Dulce, which is a big river that runs up through Guatemala. They take their checking in serious. They have a guard at this river and he sees you pulling in and dropping anchor. Then he tells the officials and they come out to the boat. We had a health inspector, a port captain, customs, doctor, and an agent on board at one time. They all filled paperwork out and we signed it. Nobody went below and inspected the boat. It cost $5 U.S. per person if we go into town and check in. And $20 if they come out to the boat. I think they get to keep the extra $15. So they were quick to come out. It was very easy though. Once we checked in we walked around town. The whole area is very mountainous. Big mountains. Then we went up the river. The river starts as a narrow gorge probably 200 foot wide. The sides are straight up probably 1000 foot Covered in rainforest and vines. Lots of monkeys, parrots, iguanas, and other pretty birds. Going through this gorge was breath taking. WE had to anchor that night in 30 foot of water 10 feet from the bank. The rear of the boat bumped the trees. i just knew a monkey was going to jump on the boat. See enclosed pictures. Garry and Shirlene |
25, 2007 - We don't mean to confuse people but we have been writing
emails for a week now and we had no way to send them out. Now that we finally
have an email connection we are going to send all of our emails we have
been writing and we will break them up into stories. So this is number one
story. Do you remember the picture of Shirlene with all the beads
around her neck from |
25, 2007 - It was 2 oclock in the morning and we are anchored
in the middle of the Rio Dulce. It is pitch black dark and hugh cliffs loom over the top of you. We are asleep when all of a sudden Garry wakes straight up and said someone is near the boat. Garry goes into rambo mode. and sneeks up on the top deck thinking someone is robbing us. He looks out and makes out a dug out canoe with 2 men in the canoe. Then he notices another canoe and then he looks around and notices 8 or 10 more canoes. Surrounded! Of course it was no big deal. All these people fish at night. The river is full of dug out canoes and they fish until the sun comes up. Lots of fish that look like a big fat bream. The river is full of them. We have now learned that these people are maya indians. Some of the nicest people you would want to meet. Garry and Shirlene |
Nov 25,
2007 - Went shopping in town today. This town is located at a big
bridge around 16 miles up the river. The river has now widened and has become shallower. Lots of marinas here. Lots of other sail boats and lots of tiki bars-restaurants. Everything is cheap here. Good prices. Cokes are 50 cents. Lunch $4. Dinner $5. And today was market day. So all the farmers brought their produce to be sold. They sell it on the street. Lots of stuff we have never seem. See pictures Garry and Shirlene |
25, 2007 - Here is the last tale for a while. We are pulling up
anchor tomorrow and will be on the move. We dont let seaweed grow
on our hull. Hope you enjoyed these. Two more interesting things. As we are going up the river our guidebook says that there was a hot sulfur spring on the side of the mountain. It flows down into the river. So we anchored and dinghyed over and sat in the sulfur spring for several hours. Of course some tourists always came along as you can see in the photo, otherwise I was going to wash my hair!! Also note the
other photo is where you wash your clothes. There is a spring that |
30, 07 - We are heading home. It is going to be a long slow
trip though. Like paddling a canoe up river. The wind always blows from
the north and that is the way we are heading. So we will be pounding into
the wind. Not fun. We had a good time, did everything down here that we
wanted to do. Haven't really had a good meal since we left key west. They
don't have salads here. When we get home don't invite us out for mexican
food. Not for a long time. Even McDonalds!! sounds good. Lots of mystery
meat here. That is when you eat a hamburger and it does not really taste
like a hamburger. It bothers us that there are no dogs walking around either!!!
After Garry eats a hamburger he has a desire to pee on a tree!!! We have
a few more pictures. Garry and Shirlene |
On one of them note how small the boat looks compared to the mountain we are sailing beside. The other picture is us hiking through the rainforest. It really rains here everyday. Hard hard summer downpour. People completely ignore it and keep on fishing or doing whatever they are doing like it not even raining. Got to go. Garry and Shirlene |
more details about Zipadedoda, click here. |
Web Page by Jim Faughn